
Gildas Benoit

Artistic director

Webdesigner, Entrepreneur, Transmédia Designer, Sound Designer, Illustrateur, Ar-tee-ste…

Tempo, the interactive audioguide

Interactive, geolocated audio guide, tailor-made scenario for cultural and tourist sites. (Demonstration of the prototype made for the Hospice d'havré in Tourcoing). The player is a "Tempo", a temporal agent, who, thanks to a special implant, has the ability to travel in sound time, and must conduct an investigation related to the history of the place visited! 

Skyzo, the geolocated audio game

Location-based audio game. The player is guided through the city by "voices" he hears in his head. He must solve an essential enigma: who is he? what is he doing there? (Trailer of the game, to listen to with headphones to enjoy the 3D effect)

Read / download the complete file

Museosound, interactive experience

Binaural sound of paintings. Demonstration of "Freedom Leading the People". 

Other works made: The Raft of the Medusa, the cockfight…

sound design

Various sound creations

Available for hiring, freelance, or simply to meet...